Author: admin

Said Rodriguez starts group at AMOLF

Our former PhD student Said Rodriguez has been appointed as project leader at the NWO Institute AMOLF to start the group “Interacting Photons”. Said got his PhD (‘Cum Laude’) at TU Eindhoven, having worked at AMOLF and Philips. His PhD thesis was awarded with the FOM Prize for the best Physics PhD thesis in 2015…
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October 11, 2017 0

Fundamental research for photonic applications. (in Dutch)

Interview with Jaime Gomez Rivas at Brainport Eindhoven about his recently awarded NWO Vici-grant.   Source:…

April 19, 2017 0

Transferring light properties to materials (Video)

Jaime Gómez Rivas has been awarded with a NWO Vici-grant. In this video he explains what he is going to do with the 1.5 million euro grant: improving the charge transport in materials by transferring properties of light to those materials. Source:

April 18, 2017 0

Publication on near-field microscopy of coupled scatterers at THz frequencies

Accepted manuscript in Applied Physics Letters on THz microscopy of near-field coupled metallic resonators which exhibit electromagnetically induced transparency. In this work we map out electric near-fields in amplitude and phase, corresponding to the hybrid modes generated through near-field coupling between two resonant gold scatterers. The manuscript can be found at the following link:

March 21, 2017 0

Photonics expert Jaime Gómez Rivas wins prestigious Vici grant

February 17th 2017 Jaime Gómez Rivas, group leader at DIFFER and professor at the Applied Physics faculty of Eindhoven University of Technology, has won one of the 34 prestigious Vici grants of NWO, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. The 1.5 million euro Vici grants is intended for premier scientists in their fields, to set…
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February 17, 2017 0

Publication on plasmon-exciton-polariton lasing in Optica

Accepted manuscript on the first realization of plasmon-exciton polariton lasing, in a periodic array of metallic nanoparticles coupled to organic emitters. The measured lasing thresholds are comparable to those measured in high-Q microcavity systems, only now in a fully open and planar configuration. This result presents an important first step towards organic polaritonics exploiting the flexibility…
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January 17, 2017 0

International Workshop on Strong Coupling with Organic Molecules (SCOM-16).

Jaime Gomez Rivas organizes, together with Javier Aizpurua, Bill Barnes and Francisco Garcia Vidal, the first International Workshop on Strong Coupling with Organic Molecules (SCOM-16). The workshop was held in San Sebastian (Spain) from 19-21 October, 2016. This workshop brought together researchers from different disciplines including: Photonics, Quantum Optics, Materials, Chemistry and Condensed Matter Physics…
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December 19, 2016 0

Publication on vectorial mapping of near-fields of THz resonators.

Accepted manuscript on the near field measurement of THz fields close to resonant rods. In this manuscript we obtain the three near-field components using microstructured photoconductive antennas. The manuscript has been  published in Applied Physics Letters Photonics and can be found here: Full vectorial mapping of the complex electric near-fields of THz resonators , APL…
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October 17, 2016 0

Publication on Diffraction Induced Transparency in arrays of resonant THz structures

Accepted manuscript on THz diffraction induced transparency in arrays of detuned resonators. In this manuscript we demonstrate that a periodic array of resonant rods with detuned frequencies can lead to an almost complete suppression of the extinction (nearly 100% transmission) and to a large group velocity reduction. We have termed this phenomenon Diffraction Induced Transparency.…
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October 17, 2016 0