Category: Events

Diffraction enhanced transparency in a hybrid gold-graphene THz metasurface

Our manuscript Diffraction Enhanced Transparency in a Hybrid Gold-Graphene THz Metasurface published in APL Photonics. Herein, we measure the near-field in arrays of THz resonators having a transparency window. A monolayer of graphene is sufficient to suppress the transparency.

March 29, 2019 0

Symposium: Ultrafast Nanophotonics and THz Imaging

The Institute for Photonic Integration (IPI) and the Center for Wireless Technology (CWTe) jointly organize a symposium on April, 18th, for the opening of the Advanced Photonics Lab for Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Nanophotonics and THz Imaging.Download the program here.

March 29, 2019 0

Special topic “Dielectric Nanoresonators and Metamaterials” of the Journal of Applied Physics open for submission until Dec. 31st

High-refractive-index (HRI) dielectric nanostructures, and in particular semiconductors, are attracting great attention in Optics and Photonics nowadays for their low dissipative losses, which hold promise of high-efficiency devices, and unique optical properties, exhibiting strong magnetic-like optical resonances and associated scattering directionality, which renders them as excellent nanoantennas. Thereby a wealth of new or enhanced fundamental…
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September 13, 2018 0

SCOM 2018

The second international workshop on Strong Coupling with Organic Molecules (SCOM 2018), hosted by the Surface Photonics group, has been carried out in Eindhoven. This workshop has attracted over 125 scientist from the whole world to discuss intensively during 3 days the latest developments on polaritonic physics. You can read more about this workshop in…
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April 20, 2018 0

International Workshop on Strong Coupling with Organic Molecules (SCOM-16).

Jaime Gomez Rivas organizes, together with Javier Aizpurua, Bill Barnes and Francisco Garcia Vidal, the first International Workshop on Strong Coupling with Organic Molecules (SCOM-16). The workshop was held in San Sebastian (Spain) from 19-21 October, 2016. This workshop brought together researchers from different disciplines including: Photonics, Quantum Optics, Materials, Chemistry and Condensed Matter Physics…
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December 19, 2016 0