Category: Recent publications

Nonlinear Emission of Molecular Ensembles Strongly Coupled to Plasmonic Lattices with Structural Imperfections published in Physical Review Letters

We demonstrate nonlinear emission from molecular layers strongly coupled to extended light fields in arrays of plasmonic nanoparticles in the presence of structural imperfections. In contrast to recent observations of exciton-polariton lasing and condensation in organic systems, photonic modes play a minor role at the emission frequency in our system, and this emission has an…
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December 15, 2018 0

Accepted manuscript on a novel method to measure time-resolved THz photoconductivity in the near-field

In this manuscript, we show proof-of-concept measurements on a GaAs film that was excited though a total internal reflection geometry. With this technique, we can obtain the photo-excited carrier dynamics and the THz photo-conductivity with a spatial resolution well below the THz diffraction limit. The manuscript entitled “Time-resolved terahertz time-domain near-field microscopy” has been published…
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November 27, 2018 0

Broadband optical response of graphene measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and FTIR spectroscopy

In collaboration with the group of Prof. A. Bol, we have investigated the broadband optical response of graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition by combining terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) at 0.25–1.7 THz with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) at 11–210 THz. These results have been published in the Journal of Applied Physics (J. Appl. Phys.124,…
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September 12, 2018 0

Etendue reducers for free space optical communication

We propose a new technology based on optical nanoantennas for reducing the etendue (divergence) of light sources. This technology could be applied for long range optical communication. You can find more details in our recently accepted manuscript in ACS Photonics “Plasmonic Nanoantenna Arrays as Efficient Etendue Reducers for Optical Detection” or read the News item…
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June 15, 2018 0

Article Publication: “Effect of optical damage resistant dopants on the dielectric properties of LiNbO3: Insight from broadband impedance spectroscopy and Raman scattering”

Lithium niobate is a widely used ferroelectric material with several interesting optical properties, however, it is prone to defect sites in the crystal which can lead to optical damage. To circumvent this, dopants can be incorporated into the crystal in a controlled manner, and in this work in collaboration with the Luxembourg Institute of Technology,…
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May 28, 2018 0

Accepted manuscript in ACS Photonics

In this manuscript we show that surface lattice resonances arising from different in-plane diffraction orders in the lattice can couple with molecular excitons, leading to plasmon-exciton-polaritons with distinct dispersion and thus different group velocities. This manuscript is part of the special issue on strong coupling that resulted from the workshop SCOM 2016.

February 22, 2018 0

Publication on near-field microscopy of coupled scatterers at THz frequencies

Accepted manuscript in Applied Physics Letters on THz microscopy of near-field coupled metallic resonators which exhibit electromagnetically induced transparency. In this work we map out electric near-fields in amplitude and phase, corresponding to the hybrid modes generated through near-field coupling between two resonant gold scatterers. The manuscript can be found at the following link:

March 21, 2017 0

Publication on plasmon-exciton-polariton lasing in Optica

Accepted manuscript on the first realization of plasmon-exciton polariton lasing, in a periodic array of metallic nanoparticles coupled to organic emitters. The measured lasing thresholds are comparable to those measured in high-Q microcavity systems, only now in a fully open and planar configuration. This result presents an important first step towards organic polaritonics exploiting the flexibility…
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January 17, 2017 0

Publication on vectorial mapping of near-fields of THz resonators.

Accepted manuscript on the near field measurement of THz fields close to resonant rods. In this manuscript we obtain the three near-field components using microstructured photoconductive antennas. The manuscript has been  published in Applied Physics Letters Photonics and can be found here: Full vectorial mapping of the complex electric near-fields of THz resonators , APL…
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October 17, 2016 0

Publication on Diffraction Induced Transparency in arrays of resonant THz structures

Accepted manuscript on THz diffraction induced transparency in arrays of detuned resonators. In this manuscript we demonstrate that a periodic array of resonant rods with detuned frequencies can lead to an almost complete suppression of the extinction (nearly 100% transmission) and to a large group velocity reduction. We have termed this phenomenon Diffraction Induced Transparency.…
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October 17, 2016 0