Jaime Gómez-Rivas moves Surface Photonics research from AMOLF to DIFFER

On July 1st 2015, the research group in Surface Photonics lead by Jaime Gómez Rivas, will officially become part of FOM Institute DIFFER. The group will continue its unique mix of applied and fundamental research to focus on integrated photonics and apply THz spectroscopy to study charge dynamics in materials for solar fuels.
The Surface Photonics group started its activities at AMOLF 10 years ago in the then newly established Center for Nanophotonics. A unique characteristic of the group was its embedding in Philips Research at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven to serve as a bridge between fundamental and applied research. The collaboration with Philips, focusing on the application of fundamental nanophotonics concepts to improve the performance of LEDs, has led to more than 70 publications in peer-reviewed journals and 20 patent applications.
In 2010 the group started a new line of research, located at AMOLF, on optical pump-THz time domain spectroscopy of semiconductors, building up a world-class THz lab. This unique research collaboration with industry has reached maturity, with Philips deciding to spin-out its lighting activities. This decision marks the successful achievement of the goals originally intended for the Surface Photonics group. At DIFFER and TU/e, the group will focus its attention on fundamental processes in energy devices.