Lian de Jong graduates Cum-Laude

On May 15th we celebrated the Cum-Laude graduation of Lian de Jong. Lian has worked over the past year on her master’s thesis titled “Strong light-matter coupling in P3HT-C60 organic photovoltaic cells”. In this work, she has shown that it is possible to improve the internal quantum efficiency of organic materials in solar cells by embedding them in optical cavities. This leads to strong light-matter coupling and the formation of exciton-polaritons with improved transport properties compared to excitons in solar cells. In order to also improve the external quantum efficiency, Lian also proposed the use of open optical cavities instead of closed Fabry-Perot cavities. If you would like to read more about Lian’s research, you can request a copy of her master’s thesis to j.gomez.rivas at