
Gabi obtains his PhD

We congratulate Gabi for the successful defense of his thesis “Controlling Light-Matter Interactions in Silicon Metasurfaces”, which was defended in Eindhoven on October 6th.

October 29, 2022 0

THz sheet conductance measured in WS2 micro-crystals

Using a unique optical pump-THz near-field microscopy, we have measured the sheet conductance in WS2 micro-crystals despite their small size compared to the wavelength of THz radiation. Read more here.

October 28, 2022 0

Improving organic solar cells with nanoparticle arrays

Using an evolutionary method, we have simulated the optimum parameters of nanoparticles in arrays for maximum light absorption in organic solar cells. Read more here.

October 28, 2022 0

Bound States in the Continuum in Si metasurfaces

In collaboration with Kyoto University (Japan) and CSIC (Spain), we have demonstrated BICs in non-Bravais lattices of Si nanoparticles. These BICs are designed at telecom wavelengths. You can read more here.

October 9, 2022 0

World record on hydrogen detection sensitivity

In collaboration with the group of Andrea Baldi at the Vrij Universiteit in Amsterdam, we have demonstrated a world record sensitivity in H2 detection by an evolutionary design of a nanoparticle sensor. You can read more here.

October 5, 2022 0

Nanometer resolution with an optical microscope

In collaboration with our start-up company TeraNova B.V., we have introduced a method to determine critical parameters in periodic optical structures over large areas and with nanometer resolution. You can read more here.

October 5, 2022 0

Enhanced exciton propagation in organic crystals by strong coupling

In collaboration with the group of Gerrit Groenhof (University of Jyväskylä), we have demonstrated enhanced exciton transport by strong coupling of tetracene crystals and nanoparticle arrays. You can read more here.

October 5, 2022 0

AIP Scilight: Liquid crystal tuning controls resonances in metallic nanoparticle arrays

Our manuscipt Electric tuning and switching of the resonant response of nanoparticle arrays with liquid crystals, published by the Journal of Applied Physics, has been selected as an Editors’ highlight. You can read more in this AIP Scilight.

October 5, 2022 0

Ping Bai

Please, send an e-mail to j.gomez.rivas at if you would like to receive a copy of this thesis.

September 25, 2022 0

Ping Bai obtains her PhD!

We congratulate Ping for graduating with her thesis “Evolutionary Optimization of Nanophotonic Design for Optical and Optoelectronic Applications”, which was defended in Eindhoven on September 23rd.

September 25, 2022 0