Press releases and media coverage
- Tuning optical resonance using liquid crystals. ICMS Higlights, Edition 18, June 2022
- New center for THz technology launches at TUE. Bits&Chips, 15-07-2021
- Unique terahertz microscope can be operated remotel, Physorg, 14-06-2021
- Microscopy with millimeter waves by Tom Jeltes, Cursor, 14-06-2021
- TUE’s remote labs enhance experimental setups from home, by Martijn Boerkamp, Bits&Chips 19-01-2021
- Working in the lab from home, NWO news, 14-12-2020
- Promotion video about PSN, by Ksenia Korzun.
- Promotion video about remote labs, by Ksenia Korzun.
- Unraveling how organic lasers emit, TU/e news, 21-11-2019
- How nanoparticles focus light from nearby molecules, News item DIFFER (2019-04-04).
Omnidirectional laser could boost microscopy & lidar illumination,Electro Optics , 03-01-2019- Nanolaser shines in all directions, by Eric
Bogers , Elektor 01-01-2019
- Novel low-energy nanolaser shines in all directions,, 20-12-2018
- 7 out of the 14 awarded NWO HTSM grants go to TU/e, TU/
e news , 18-12-2018. New type of low-energy nanolaser that shines in all directions, Opli: Photonics and Laser Magazine, 17-12-2018 type of low-energy nanolaser that shines in all directions, TU/e press release by Ivo Jongsma, 17-12-2018.New New type of low-energy nanolaser that shines in all directions, EurekAlert!, 17-12-2018.- Eindhovense laser die in alle richtingen schijnt is wellicht toepasbaar in lidar, by Joris Jansen, Tweakers 17-12-2018.
- Werkdruk: Als de tank helemaal leeg is, by Jelle Krekels, Eindhovense Dagblad 30-09-2018
- Vici-beurs voor photonics expert Jaime Gómez Rivas in the Slash (2017)
- De mens achter het nieuws Jaime Gómez Rivas, by Judith van Gaal in the Cursor (2017)
- Hoogleraar TU/e krijgt anderhalve ton voor speciale meter, Studio040 (2015)
- ERC investeert in onderzoek TU/e, Eindhovens Dagblad (2015)
- Logra mexicano innovar en LED, by Diana Saavedra, El Norte (Mexico)
- Nobel Prijs Natuurkunde naar japanse uitvinders blauwe LED, by Martijn van Calmthout, de Volkskrant (2014)
- Led blijft verbazen, by Mark Veldkamp, de Telegraaf (2014)
- Led-licht kan nog veel efficiënter, by Henk van Weert in the Eindhovens Dagblad (2014)
- “FOM en Philips verder in onderzoek nanofotonica” in the Eindhovens Dagblad.
- Kyoto Shin-bun: “A new technology to increase the brightness” and Nikkan Kogyo Shin-bun: “A 60-fold enhancement by nanoantenna“
- NRC Handelsblad: “Nanocilinder helpt bundel led-licht beter richten” by Bruno van Wayenburg
- Eindhovens Dagblad: “Fommers” blijven te gast bij lab Philips Research, by Harrie Verrijt.
- FOM news: Onderzoek opent nieuwe mogelijkheden voor witte-led-verlichting en lichtsensoren
- Kennislink: Nanodraden van de gouden stempel, by Barry van der Meer
- Generic nanoimprint process gives uniform nanowire arrays.