Month: January 2019

Dr. Shunsuke Murai joins SP group

Dr, Shunsuke Murai, assistant professor at Kyoto University, will join the Surface Photonics group during 2019 for a research sabbatical. Dr. Murai’s scientific interest is on the relationship between optical properties and the structure of matter at a mesoscopic scale. We welcome Shunsuke to the group.

January 16, 2019 0

Enhanced quality factors of surface lattice resonances in plasmonic arrays of nanoparticles published in Advanced Optical Materials

We investigate experimentally and numerically two-dimensional arrays of silver nanoparticles and show how the Q-factor of collective plasmonic resonances critically depends on the quality of the metal film, the detuning between diffraction orders and localized resonances and the absorption of adhesive layer used between the substrate and the metallic nanoparticles. These silver nanoparticle arrays can…
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January 14, 2019 0