Month: October 2023

Lian wins the NNV AMO MSc thesis prize award

Lian de Jong has received the prize for the best MSc thesis from section Atom, Molecular and Optical Physics (AMO) of the Dutch Physics Association (NNV). The prize was handed to Matthijs Berghuis in the yearly meeting of NNV AMO on Oct. 11th. The prize was sponsored by the utoptics foundation. You can read more…
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October 12, 2023 0

Room temperature condensation in a Bound State in the Continuum

We have demonstrate room temperature Bose-Einstein condensation of organic polaritons in a Bound State in the Continuum (BIC). The BIC is an optical mode with virtually no losses in an array of Si nanoparticles, which leads to a very low condensation threshold. You can read more here.

October 12, 2023 0