Month: February 2019

Limits to strong coupling in 2D semiconductors

Our manuscript “Limits to Strong Coupling of Excitons in Multilayer WS2 with Collective Plasmonic Resonances” has been accepted for publication in ACS-Photonics. In this manuscript, we demonstrate experimentally and describe theoretically that strong light-matter coupling in of optical modes with excitons in 2D semiconductors is limited by dielectric screening as the thickness of the semiconductor…
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February 18, 2019 0

PEP lasing article top cited in 2018

Our manuscript Plasmon -Exciton-Polariton Lasing, describing the first demonstration of exciton polariton condensation in a plasmonic cavity, in on the top 15 most cited articles of Optica in 2018.

February 15, 2019 0

Sara Senoris Puentes starts PhD

Sara Senoris Puentes has joined the group Surface Photonics to complete a PhD. Sara has obtained her bachelor degree at the University Complutense of Madrid (Spain) and her master at the University Autonoma of Madrid. We welcome Sara to the group.

February 5, 2019 0