
Ultrafast spectroscopy and nanophotonics lab moved to TU/e

On August 23rd we moved the optical tables from DIFFER to our new lab at the TU/e. In the coming weeks we will have the ultrafast spectroscopy and nanophotonics lab up and running.

August 26, 2018 0

Etendue reducers for free space optical communication

We propose a new technology based on optical nanoantennas for reducing the etendue (divergence) of light sources. This technology could be applied for long range optical communication. You can find more details in our recently accepted manuscript in ACS Photonics “Plasmonic Nanoantenna Arrays as Efficient Etendue Reducers for Optical Detection” or read the News item…
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June 15, 2018 0

Confining light to the atomic scale

News and Views published in Nature Nanotechnology describing the recently published article “Probing the ultimate plasmon confinement limits with a van der Waals heterostructure” by Iranzo et al.

June 15, 2018 0

Congratulations to Ben Lont!

Ben Lont was a Fontys intern working on polariton lasing using plasmonic nanoantenna arrays. In his project he investigated guest-host complexes of polymers and dyes, to optimize the concentration of molecular emitters in the vicinity of plasmonic nanoparticle arrays. His thesis project “Polariton lasing using a highly doped dye-polymer complex as gain medium” was successfully defended at Fontys…
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May 28, 2018 0

Article Publication: “Effect of optical damage resistant dopants on the dielectric properties of LiNbO3: Insight from broadband impedance spectroscopy and Raman scattering”

Lithium niobate is a widely used ferroelectric material with several interesting optical properties, however, it is prone to defect sites in the crystal which can lead to optical damage. To circumvent this, dopants can be incorporated into the crystal in a controlled manner, and in this work in collaboration with the Luxembourg Institute of Technology,…
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May 28, 2018 0

SCOM 2018

The second international workshop on Strong Coupling with Organic Molecules (SCOM 2018), hosted by the Surface Photonics group, has been carried out in Eindhoven. This workshop has attracted over 125 scientist from the whole world to discuss intensively during 3 days the latest developments on polaritonic physics. You can read more about this workshop in…
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April 20, 2018 0

The Surface Photonics group will host SCOM 2018

The international workshop strong coupling with organic molecules SCOM 2018 will be held in Eindhoven in April, 16-18. This conference will gather over 100 scientist working on the field of strong light-matter coupling.

March 16, 2018 0

2017 Highlights of the Eindhoven University of Technology

Watch the video with the 2017 highlights of the Eindhoven University of Technology here

March 16, 2018 0

Stan ter Huurne completes successfully his master degree

Stan ter Huurne has received his master degree in Applied Physics at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Stan did his master thesis in our group, working on THz near field microscopy. We congratulate Stan with his degree and are glad that he will stay in the group doing a PhD thesis.

March 15, 2018 0