Author: admin

Publication on effect of layer height for luminescent materials coupled to plasmonic arrays.

Accepted manuscript on the modification of the emission characteristics of thin layers of dye molecules coupled to arrays of metallic nanoparticles. In this manuscript we show how the emission can couple to different modes by positioning the layer at defined heights relative to the array. The manuscript has been published in Physical Review B and…
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October 17, 2016 0

Said Rodriguez receives honourable mention for the 2016 Christiaan Huygens Prize.

Said Rodriguez (center) receives from the Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Jet Bussemaker, an honorable mention for the 2016 Christiaan Huygens Prize in recognition of his doctoral thesis work in the Photonics for Energy group. Read more at

October 17, 2016 0

Niels van Hoof guest in Dutch TV show ‘Proefkonijnen’

Niels van Hoof (PhD student in Photonics for Energy) had a guest appearance in the popular-scientific program ‘Proefkonijnen’ broadcast on the national television (BNN/NPO3). You can watch the full item here:

August 31, 2016 0

Prize for our outstanding publication in Light Science & Applications

Jaime Gomez Rivas has received a prize for our outstanding publication “Plasmonics for solid-state lighting : enhanced excitation and directional emission of highly efficient light sources”. This article has been ranked in the top 10 citation papers in 2015 published between 2013 and 2014 in Light: Science & Applications. The prized was awarded during the…
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July 27, 2016 0

Dick van Dam wins Young Speaker Contest at Fysica 2016

Dick van Dam (guest PhD student in our group) has won the Young Speakers Contest at the annual congress of the Dutch Physical Society (NNV), for his presentation entitled ‘Better solar cells by nanostructuring’.

April 8, 2016 0

Gespleten lichtgolf schakelt nanoversterkers licht aan en uit (Dutch)

Onderzoekers van de FOM-instituten AMOLF en DIFFER hebben, in samenwerking met Philips Lighting, een manier gevonden om de antennewerking van metalen nanodeeltjes aan en uit te schakelen. Nanoantennes zijn gevoelige ontvangers en versterkers van licht, met toepassingen van medische sensoren en verlichting tot betere zonnecellen. In Physical Review Letters beschrijft de onderzoeksgroep van Jaime Gomez-Rivas…
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March 10, 2016 0

Master’s degree awarded to Niels van Hoof

Niels van Hoof got awarded his master’s degree. He did his master’s thesis project in the Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics group of TU/e, in collaboration with our group, and worked on nanowire solar cells.

February 24, 2016 0

PhD defense Giorgios Georgiou

Giorgios Georgiou successfully defended his PhD thesis ‘Photo-generated Terahertz devices’ at the TU/e.

February 2, 2016 0

Said Rodriguez receives the FOM Physics Thesis Award 2015 from the Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science

The FOM Physics Thesis Award 2015 goes to AMOLF alumnus Said Rodriguez for his thesis Coupling light and matter in metallic nanoparticle arrays.Rodriguez  received the prize from Minister Jet Bussemaker in January 2016 at the annual conference Physics @ FOM Veldhoven. The prize consists of a 10.000 euro payment. In September 2014 Said Rodriguez completed…
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January 23, 2016 0

Symposium in honor of Jaime Gómez Rivas

This summer Jaime Gómez Rivas left AMOLF to start a new research group at FOM Institute DIFFER. On December 10th AMOLF organized a symposium ‘Lighting the way’ in honor of the departing group leader to mark this transition. The group of Gómez Rivas was actually based at the High Tech Campus of Philips Research where…
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November 11, 2015 0